Late August of 2015 I was approached by Stern Pinball, Inc. for a project beyond my wildest dreams. I was asked to initially do some 'sketches' of Bill Murray for a potential licenesd pin and my response was "It better be GHOSTBUSTERS!!!!".
Thankfully it was...
From September to December of 2015 I 'busted' my hump to create 3 unique art packages that were approved by Sony and all Actors involved. I was given free reign to play and the results are something of a different approach while retaining the core of what I love to do.

Lower Playfield detail



"The Ghostbusters pinball experience highlights the humor of the film as the player progresses through the game. The game also includes custom speech by original “Ghostbusters” cast member, Ernie Hudson, who guides the player into becoming the newest member of the Ghostbusters team!
Ghostbusters pinball is designed to be easy to play but difficult to master. It features a moving interactive Slimer toy target and a fresh distinctive layout that integrates traditional pinball devices with unique multifunction two-way ramps featuring a magnetic diverter and scoring switches. In addition, the game features a modern take on a ball transfer target, combative open field drop targets, a ball eject target, a captive ball target and custom molded toys.
The Premium and Limited Edition models also feature an interactive ghost hologram target with animations, “para-normal” magnetic action slingshots, distinctive ramp architecture and additional custom molded toys.
All models feature beautiful and unique hand drawn art by renowned illustrator Jeremy Packer a.k.a. Zombie Yeti."
Head over to snag one ;)